Meet the 2021 Student Leader of the Year

A dedicated leader, Sara Khammash is committed to creating an inclusive community so leaders can lead with their authentic and true selves. “There’s so much we can learn from people with different backgrounds and cultures ... When you’re open-minded and want to sit down and really listen to people who are from different parts of the world or have different backgrounds from you, there’s so [...]

2022-03-30T12:02:54-06:00March 26th, 2021|

Meet Your Alumni Advisory Council

We’re excited to announce our 2021 Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) members! The AAC has accomplished so much in the last five years, and to ensure that momentum continues, we are excited to announce our re-envisioned council. The AAC will serve our 5,000 and growing network of alumni by working on strategy to meet immediate alumni needs in this virtual world, and they’re ready to [...]

2021-03-08T11:04:44-07:00March 8th, 2021|

Celebrating the Impact of our Alumni

Our alumni are making an impact in the community, and we’re inspired by their work to make Colorado a place where everyone has an opportunity to lead. Throughout the year, we’ve highlighted their work ranging from advancing racial equity to creating opportunities for youth to give back to veterans. We’re proud to have them in our Leadership Foundation family. Get to know our diverse [...]

2021-02-26T12:01:25-07:00February 26th, 2021|

Networker of the Quarter: Jonathan McMillan

This past year has given us time to reflect and figure out how we can all virtually stay connected. Many of our alumni have shared their experiences and challenges on The Network, an online community just for Leadership Foundation alumni. Our Networker of the Quarter Jonathan McMillan, Leadership Denver 2021 participant and youth violence prevention coordinator for the City and County of Denver, has used [...]

2021-02-23T16:29:12-07:00February 23rd, 2021|

Celebrating Black History Month

February marks Black History Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the achievements and impacts of African Americans. In addition to honoring leaders who shaped our past, we recognize that there are countless Leadership Foundation alumni who are currently having an impact on our community. Today, I’d like to introduce you to alums Brandon Bruce, Marti Champion and Yoal Kidane Ghebremeskel and recognize their work. Brandon Bruce, an Impact Denver [...]

2021-02-19T14:47:49-07:00February 19th, 2021|
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