Virtual Voices | Creating Spaces of Belonging for Refugees


Colorado has a long history of welcoming newcomers, including refugees. An estimated 60,000 people who have fled their home countries now call Colorado home. Today, we are observing a major refugee crises - the sixth-largest refugee outflow over the past 60-plus years, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Guest Speaker: To be announced  Moderator: To be announced 


Virtual Voices | Connecting the Dots: You’re A Dot Too! Understand Your Role as an Ally


Everyone has a role to play in creating a more diverse, inclusive community. In this interactive session with author and business owner Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler and TIED President and Virtual Voices Committee Member Monica Williams, you will learn about the different roles, or “dots,” such as upstander, ally and supporter, and learn tips and techniques to understand and strengthen your role in equity, inclusivity and diversity. Guest Speaker: Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler, Founder and Chief Catalyst for the Equity Project Moderator: Monica D Williams, Excutive Producer for the Equity Project

Virtual Voices | Allyship and Connecting the Dots: You’re a Dot, Too!


Everyone has a role to play in creating a more diverse, inclusive community. In this interactive session with author and business owner Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler and TIED President and Virtual Voices Committee Member Monica Williams, you will learn about the different roles, or “dots,” such as upstander, ally and supporter, and learn tips and techniques to understand and strengthen your role in equity, inclusivity and diversity.