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Systemic racism is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues. We are going to break this down at a high level to give the audience a deeper understanding of the complexities of institutional and systemic bias.  The audience will also leave with tools on how to recognize and work to transform these systems.

Moderator: Dr. Michael Benitez, Vice President for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, MSU Denver


  • Dr. Ryan Ross, Associate Vice chancellor for Student Affairs, Equity and Inclusion, Colorado Community College System and President & CEO, Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado
  • Jason Thompson, Senior Advisor, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, CAPE Inclusion & Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion, Western Governors University

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